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Copyright in this material resides with the Commonwealth of Australia. Not separate to our protection under Copyright Law, below is a guide to how content on the website can be reproduced.

Parenting Blog

Content from the Parenting Blog can be reproduced in full in electronic/digital or print format, as long as the author’s name is acknowledged and attributed as the creator of the work, and that the Parenting Ideas website is listed as the source of the article. Where content from the Parenting Blog is shared/published electronically on an independent website, a link to the Parenting Ideas website must be provided. Where content from the Parenting Blog is used in print form, the Parenting Ideas website URL must also be provided. The URL to display is


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Insights articles

Insights articles are provided to schools who hold an active Parenting Ideas membership. This includes schools with an active Premium Membership, Parent Support Membership or Small School membership. Insights articles can be downloaded as a PDF or text only file and shared on the school’s website, newsletter communications, schools apps, professional development program or through the parent network such as handouts at meetings. This permission is granted by Parenting Ideas solely for schools with an active membership. This permission does not extend to include a direct upload of the PDF or its contents to a Facebook page. Schools can however, upload an Insights article to their website and provide a link to it via a Facebook post. Once a school’s membership has expired, the school no longer has permission to publish, transmit, reproduce or transmit any Insights article. Any historical inclusion on a school’s website or communciations needs to be removed and not used again in future, except in the case of membership reactivation. As Copywright Owners, Parenting Ideas reserves the right to request and enforce removal.

Webinars for Educators

Any webinars purchased through the Parenting Ideas website or provided through a Premium Membership or Small School membership for schools are intended for personal use/professional development only. No parts of the webinars may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form (in part or whole) or by any means, including website publication, social media, email, photocopying, screen recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods. They can however be broadcast in a team-based professional learning environment at the school with an active Premium or Small School membership. This permission is granted by Parenting Ideas solely for schools with an active Premium or Small School membership. Once a school’s membership has expired, the school no longer has permission to publish, transmit, reproduce or transmit any educator webinar or use it in team-based professional learning. Any historical inclusion on a school’s website or communciations needs to be removed and not used again in future, except in the case of membership reactivation. Parenting Ideas reserves the right to request and enforce removal.

Webinars for Parents

Any webinars purchased or redeemed from the Parenting Ideas website are intended for personal use only. No parts of the webinars may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form (in part or whole) or by any means, including website publication, social media, email, photocopying, screen recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods. Any reproduction in commercial, not-for-profit or academic organisations is expressly forbidden.

Online Courses

Any online courses purchased or redeemed from the Parenting Ideas website are intended for personal use only. No parts of the courses may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form (in part or whole) or by any means, including website publication, social media, email, photocopying, screen recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods. Any reproduction in commercial, not-for-profit or academic organisations is expressly forbidden.


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