Young Leaders Program

A student leadership program for primary schools

The Young Leaders Program helps teachers to create leadership skills in young people. It incorporates ideas, tools and activities to help train students in the final two years of primary school and those who are given specific leadership roles.

The program is provided as a kit containing easy to follow teachers manuals, student workbooks, classroom posters and activity cards. It is easy to run, fits easily into the existing curriculum, caters for the whole class and includes parents and mentors in the program.

  Developed by renowned parenting educator Michael Grose
  A former teacher with a Master of Educational Studies


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In all walks of life there are leaders. In work, at school, in families, in sport and in the wider community, people are required to lead others. Every child has the potential to be a leader given the right set of circumstances and environment.

Some children show leadership on the sporting field but may not show leadership within a classroom or other setting. It is therefore important to provide a variety of environments and opportunities for children to fulfil their leadership potential.

The Young Leaders Program reflects the importance of developing the skills and attitudes that student leaders need as well as developing a culture of leadership in the school. The program encourages schools to promote a sense of service in their young leaders.

The Young Leaders program shows teachers the skills and qualities they need to nurture and also gives options about how they can conduct training within their school.

There are three parts to the Young Leaders Program:

  1. Personal Leadership
  2. Public Leadership
  3. Induction & Mentoring

The sessions outlined can be used as class lessons by teachers wanting to promote leadership skills in whole class settings.

The personal leadership part of the program develops personal leadership skills where students learn about the mindsets and behaviours that will help them become confident leaders. There are eight sessions including a session on developing an emotional intelligence class agreement, which underpins class culture, providing a solid and supportive base for leadership development. The sessions are aimed at students in their second last year of primary school.

The public leadership part of the program revises the behaviours of the five building blocks of leadership. It prepares students for leadership in a more public or group sense. It is made up of seven sessions including a session to create a class emotional intelligence agreement. The sessions are aimed at students in their final year of primary school.

The induction part of the program prepares elected students for their positions of leadership and provides them with a greater understanding of leadership in general. The mentoring part of the program provides leaders with ongoing support over the course of their time in leadership.